1999 Flashback: My Thoughts on the Internet and the Practice of Law


Just found this, posted on my old "Port of Entry" web column (the word "blog" didn't exist) in 1999.  Seems like the right time to rerun it:

Top Ten Reasons Why Web-Based Immigration Firms are Superior to Conventional Practices


10. Email creates a written record of all communications for both the client and attorney.

9. The client can constantly refer back to complex explanations, promised attorney completion dates, etc., and not have to rely on memory.

8. The attorney who masters the web has the world's resources in hand in preparing NIW, Extraordinary Ability, and other visas requiring thorough analysis in a reader-friendly format.

7. The attorney can handle clients from any part of the world, at any time, without the expense of client travel.

6. Because of the global market a successful firm can develop, specialization is encouraged, and the attorney has a more limited field of professional focus.

5. The attorney and client can take advantage of emerging technologies, such as real-time text conferencing (just around the corner for usvisanews.com), on-line videoconferencing, etc., preserving a record of communications.

4. You don't have to see the attorney on a bad hair day.

3. The attorney's brain works more efficiently because of the absence of a necktie.

2. You can print out the weekly e-newsletters to make great bird cage liners for the Saturday morning cleaning and….


1. The Web is THE future of immigration client management, offering a level of service, responsiveness, information reach, and commitment no limited local law practice can offer. Climb aboard, or get out of the way!


Tags: Web/Tech

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