Sound and conservative investment options for accredited foreign investors.
IN MANDARIN: Lake Point Capital Partners: China Bound
Thanks to Suzy for her first translation, if it's about our next China odyssey, she translated what I wrote...(-; 湖泊地资本合作伙伴:开往中国有很长一段时间沒发博文了,在此向各位表示抱歉。不过新年刚一开始就令人无比兴奋!最近发生了很多事情,而头条大新闻则是:AVS区域中心很高兴向大家宣布,在我和Sharon刚参加完为湖泊地EcoVentures项目第一阶段举行的盛大接待仪式后,该计划的主要负责人已决定为20位最具实力的EB-5投资者提供直接股权投资达一千万美元的EB - 5私人投...
Jose E. Latour Feb 08, 2012
Immigration Insider in Mandarin- COMING SOON!
Please welcome Suzy Stanton, our new Shenzhen-born admin assistant and Girl Wonder. In addition to Sharon's musings in Mandarin, Suzy will soon begin translating Immigration Insider blog entries which are of particular interest to our Mandarin-speaking partners and clients in China.After years...
Jose E. Latour Feb 06, 2012
Lake Point Capital Partners: China Bound
I apologize for my silence but it's been a bit of an exciting start to the new year! Lots going on but here is the big news:American Venture Solutions Regional Center is very happy to announce that after the tremendous reception Sharon and I received for the loan-based Lake Point EcoVentures P...
Jose E. Latour Feb 01, 2012
A vodka named Miami? Absolutely - Art Basel - MiamiHerald.com.…
Jose E. Latour Dec 02, 2011
Where politics steps into the private sector and emasculates it, only one thing happens, invariably: the economic might of a nation embarks on an exodus via its best and brightest.And this, my friends, is why I have so many good clients in Sunny Isles...US slams Russia over Khodorkovsky treatment - ...
Jose E. Latour May 25, 2011
Brian Su’s Las Vegas EB-5 Boot Camp Seminar- MAY 25
Well, I'm sad to say that I will NOT be in Vegas tomorrow to see Brian put on another of his priceless seminars...I have a travel conflict. For those of you who've attended his prior events, you know that there is simply no more valuable an educational and networking event in EB-5 La...
Jose E. Latour May 24, 2011
Extensive Reuters EB-5 Investigation Quotes Latour and Gibson
Folks, a few weeks ago I was interviewed extensively both on and off camera by Reuters reporters doing a comprehensive investigative piece on the EB-5 Immigrant Investor Visa. My good friend Michael Gibson, along with a number of other attorneys and principals in the EB-5 sector, were also int...
Jose E. Latour Dec 23, 2010
A Little Escape from the Matrix
Folks, I'm doing my annual retreat and will be "radio silent" for the next few days. Take a look:Retreat…
Jose E. Latour Dec 01, 2010
Okay, Email Sign Up is Finally Fixed!!
The inimitable Tom Mahoney has fixed the blog subscription issue by moving us to Feedburner. If you want to subscribe to Immigration Insider via email, just put type your email address in the box right under my ugly mug and click subscribe. You'll get taken to a new page where you w...
Jose E. Latour Nov 14, 2010
Just a thought/question: I have 63 contacts in "Linked In", almost all of them people with whom I share a fundamental client base. Good people; SMART people. Nothing ever happens except people invite me.On Facebook, I have 271 friends. I sneeze and I get 15 responses.What...
Jose E. Latour Jul 29, 2010
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Suite 206, Miami, FL 33137