A Little Help from my Friends…


Folks, if you are finding my blog and our efforts at i9 Advantage worthwhile, I have a big favor to ask of you: PLEASE write me if you hear of passed or proposed legislation, executive orders, and the like in your state.  I cannot tell you how much time we are investing into bringing you the best, most current, and most useful employment verification legislation status map in the galaxy.  Despite our efforts, the amount of state legislation is staggering, and it seems like every day I hear of some law which passed SOMEWHERE and, somehow, I’d missed it in my canvassing state legislative websites and the myriad other resources out there.

If you get wind of some new proposed legislation in your state, or perhaps that the state has announced the governor’s executive order mandating some new employment authorization process for employers, email me at jlatour@i9advantage.com .  THANK YOU!!!!  Jose

Tags: Current Affairs

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